
dijous, 19 de gener del 2012

My idea is...

In this post you can leave all the ideas and suggestions you like about the blog.
Come and comment!!!
En aquesta entrada podeu deixar totes les idees i suggerències que vulgueu sobre el blog.
Vinga, comenteu!!!

15 comentaris:

  1. Hi! I'm Jara and my idea is that all the boys and girls, to explain some weekend or one thing to past. For example: On Saturday my friends and I went to the cinema, and we see 'Justin Bieber Never Say Never' it's a documental and he explain the lift of Justin Bieber...
    Bye, bye! :)

  2. Jara, that's a great idea!!! You can do it in the "I want you to explain" section.

  3. neus soc el julià m he fet seguidor del blog

  4. Hi, you can put video games to entertain the followers of the blog.
    Lara, 6è

  5. Congratulations, Neus. Thank you for your job ! Esperem que tots plegats aprofitem al màxim aquest blog. David i Mireia.

  6. neus soc el pau i no se el numero deu horitzontal de english exercies

  7. Podeu posar cançons modernes com LMFAO, Justin Bieber, etc...

  8. Hello! Visit my blog of Twilight! http://www.crepusculoenlaweb.blogspot.com

  9. neus soc la Julia es molt guai el bloc

  10. Neus soc el Marti de 3r si guanya karaoke podrem fer un campionat

  11. neus soc el pau r no he pogut fer els deures per que me deixat la llibreta a classe
